只有大纲 (第1/4页)
<p>想比roro早一年加入ManU,还没有分化所以基恩、beckham亲哥们都只是蹭蹭,"you are still a kid, little."<br /> 小小加入后,终于不是最小了,快乐贴贴,从后卫逐渐被带跑变成带刀后卫。<br /> beckham走了,费迪南德和阿兰加入,小小越来越多熟悉的人,我也是其中之一。小小走前一年,为了财政决定去米兰。</p> <p>决赛后去找小小:</p> <p>"Sometimes I just hate this body, not like on the field, but I don,t want to be the kid. It is just stupid to judge adulthood by differentiation. You know, if I am an Omega, at least I can ask you to leave something for me, even a baby."</p> <p>Cristiano looked at you in silence, he knows what you mean and become more silence thus.</p> <p>"Not like I want to get pregant right now but Cris, Ronnie, I like you."</p> <p>Your lips trembled, as you get closer to him, eyes opened, he didn,t frown but you still cannot read his yes.</p> <p>Finally, you feel the softness on your lips, still a flint of champgne taste. You kiss him again, "Cris." And again, "I like you Ronnie."</p> <p>And again, he takes over, hands gripping on your shoulder.</p> <p>"Ronnie, take me."</p> <p>"You sure?"</p> <p>"Yes"</p> <p>He bends you over, you already wet and drooling even you cannot smell his scent and can only read him by your eyes.</p> <p>He pushes in, you will recall in the later days, that famous fuck boy in Madrid already emerges in this early